How To Promote at Tourism Fair Without Being There

Did you know that you can be promote at every Tourism Fair without spending money on trip, accommodation, and booths?

No, you do not even have to pay for an entrance ticket!


Another ITB is happening in Berlin, and somehow everyone in the industry is talking about it. The most common question we get is: are you going to ITB?

The tourism fairs are great for business contacts, networking and seeing with colleagues and friends.

However, to promote at tourism fair you need to pay the enormous cost of renting the booth and all the following expenses which many small travel-related companies can’t afford.

That’s why we will show you a small trick with Facebook Ads (or Google Ads) that you can use to promote your offer to the fair visitors without even being physically present on the event itself.

We have used this method for our clients and for our in-house agency needs, and the results were great! You can, of course, use this for any event that gathers your target group.

So, let’s start…

First, you need to log in to your Facebook Ad Account and go to creating a new campaign. Choose the campaign objective, give a proper name to your new campaign and you are ready to proceed to the Ad Set level.

On the top of your screen, you will find the location targeting which is the most important for our needs.

Enter the address of the event venue you want to target. In our case, we will use the ITB in Berlin, Germany. Choose the smallest targeting radius around your event, and from the drop-down menu choose the option “People recently in this location”.

In some cases, this would be enough, but we still need to exclude some areas from our blue marked circle, because we want to target only the venue buildings, not the surrounding streets.

Unfortunately, Facebook doesn’t allow us to target location radius under one mile, but we can achieve this with the Drop Pin option.

Now we will use it to exclude locations.

Set the excluding radius to 1 mile and place it next to the included targeted blue circle, but not too close because you don’t want to cut off your venue location.

promote at tourism fair - travel marketing growth hack

With this technique, we have reduced the targeted location and excluded locations we don’t want to target because our ad won’t show to people in the intersection of a blue and red circle.

Now we just need to repeat the process as many times we need:

facebook advanced location targeting

Now our ads will show only to the people in the blue area that doesn’t intersect with the red circles.

You can look at this GIF video to check how to do it:

promote at tourism fair location targeting

When you do this you should only schedule your ad to run on the specific dates, while the fair lasts.

In the device targeting, you can choose to show your ads on mobile devices only. Of course, you can further narrow your audience with age, language, and interests if you want.

After all the above you just need to create your Ad and you are ready to present at every tourism fair in the world!!

Now, stop for a moment and think about endless possibilities that you might have with this growth hack! You can target all your competitor locations and put your ad in front of their guests, and this is just one of the opportunities!

We hope that you will find this targeting method useful and interesting. Let us know in the comments if it was useful for you!

Milan Stojković
Milan Stojković
Founder of Etourism Consulting agency, educator and lecturer, founder of multiple online travel projects. Worked with over 300 travel industry companies, helping them to attract more tourists, increase room occupancy and tour sales, and improve their businesses.

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